25th February 2016
Well, I've been trying to get my daughter to let me take pictures of her,but low and behold she is going through that awkward in between stage, metamorphosing from my lovely child into a stroppy, pre-teen! (I love her really). Hating all photos of herself and when id manage to get one, well the faces she pulls! (well shocking.....)

But I wasn't going to give up, she needs to see how beautiful she really is, So I was determined to find a project she would like to be involved in, - welcome to my dark children series - quite fitting really!

The idea behind this series of shoots is to create a darker side to childhood, a moodier and almost sinister change that changes your happy-go-lucky child takes in preadolescence. This shoot is the fallen angel, the first stage of leaving innocence behind.

As you can imagine, my daughter was a little reluctant on the day of the shoot, especially going out at 8am on a very cold, wintery day. But once out she really did surprise me, never complained about the cold and wait for it. I think she actually enjoyed herself.
