11th October, 2016
So this weekend I was given the opportunity to follow another photographer on a modelling shoot. Theme, 80's rock chick with a bit of elegance thrown in! The beautiful Zoe stepped up to the plate and a session was born.
We had so much fun on the shoot, you would have thought we had been friends for years, not just hours! The session took some interesting twists as we were given the opportunity to shoot at the historic palace theater, which is soon to receive planning permission to restore itself to its natural beauty, where the likes of Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin performed many moons ago!
Once finished working in the old building we took to the streets, which became quite entertaining as we safely played with traffic and back streets of Plymouth.
I hope to work again with Alice in the near future as well as venture out on my own with models, which I seem to quite enjoy a bit of adult company from time to time.
So here you go, best photos from the shoot!